24 ANGELS HOMECAREJun 28, 20211 min5 Things you need to know about DEMENTIA1. What is DEMENTIA? Dementia is a syndrome due to disease of the brain, usually of a chronic or progressive nature, in which there is...
24 ANGELS HOMECAREJun 28, 20212 min8 个帮助您改善睡眠问题的方法1. 坚持早睡早起 每天按时起床和睡觉 ,包括周末。午睡时间不要太长(20分钟)。 2. 不要在吃得过饱或饿肚子的情况下上床休息 如果睡前吃得太饱,您的胃部需要几小时时间来消化食物。如果您必须吃夜宵,请 尽量少吃。如果胃部太空,也很难入睡。如果您正在节食,应在睡前食用低热量...
24 ANGELS HOMECAREJun 28, 20212 min8 ways to help you sleep better1. Keep regular hours Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day (even on the weekend). Avoid longer than a 20-minutes nap during...